Civil Process
Civil Process
Many people ask the question what is Civil Process, and what is the Sheriff Office involvement? Civil Process is the service of the court papers such as summons, subpoenas, garnishments, civil suit, small claims filings, ex-parte and protection orders, eviction notices and juvenile papers or any other document to be served for court purposes.
The Sheriff Office serves on average 2,200 papers per year. Indiana law requires certain fees to be collected for each served paper. Scott County Sheriff's Office being only a ten person Office incorporates civil process a part of the day to day function. Several attempts will be made on each service before any papers would be return for non - service.
Jury Summons
Several times a year a jury selection is made by the Scott County Clerk's Office and a juror questionaire may be mailed to each prospective juror. When a trial date approaches a jury summons will be issued and served by the Sheriff Office. Also at the time of jury summons service, a juror questionaire may be attached and the questionaire would need to be fill out completely and returned to the court the day of the trail.